
Workshops and programs

Explore a range of workshops and programs delivered by RANZCOG, for both members and non-members of the College.


As part of an ongoing commitment to cultivating a culture of wellbeing, respect and professionalism in O&G workplaces, the College offers a range of workshops and programs to support members, trainees and training supervisors.

These workshops and programs are designed to equip you with practical techniques and strategies for maintaining personal wellbeing and supporting your colleagues.

Fetal Surveillance Education Program (FSEP)

FSEP is a program for medical professionals seeking to improve understanding of fetal surveillance, with the aim of reducing adverse perinatal outcomes.

Respectful Workplaces Workshop
Gain information and strategies to support the creation of a supportive and respectful workplace.
Training Supervisor Workshop
A compulsory program for those who are supervising trainees in the FRANZCOG, Certificate and Associate Training Program (Procedural) and Associate Training Program (Advanced Procedural).
Communication Skills Workshop
The Communication Skills workshop supports trainees in effective communication with colleagues, patients and their families.


Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand

Please explore the workshops and programs below, which are offered by 鶹ֱfor medical professionals in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.

Clinical Education Training (CET)
A program for F鶹ֱtrainees, Fellows and members interested in becoming clinical educators, or those already involved in training/teaching.


Cervical Quality Improvement Program (C-QuIP)
For any medical professionals who perform diagnostic and/or therapeutic colposcopy.
For medical professionals wishing to gain certification in the 11–14 week scan using Fetal Medicine…
For medical professionals seeking to improve professional understanding of fetal surveillance, with the aim of…

Already on Acquire?

If you already have access to the 鶹ֱeLearning platform, Acquire, you can access the FSEP, NT and C-QuIP online programs directly via the following links:

Aotearoa New Zealand only

The College is committed to a sustainable and diverse O&G workforce that can meet future hauora wāhine needs.

Please explore the workshops and programs below, which are tailored to members, Fellows and trainees in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Application of Hui Process/Meihana Model to Clinical Practice
Compulsory for trainees, and highly encouraged for members, this Māori/Indigenous Health Institute (MIHI) course promotes positive engagement, appropriate care, treatment and health advocacy that supports Māori health equity.
Excellence in Report Writing and Expert Witness Training Workshop
This one-day workshop focuses on how to write reports of facts in response to patient complaints. Upon completion, Fellows can apply to participate in the 鶹ֱExpert Witness Register.

Cultural competency


In Australia, this training involves completing:

Australian Indigenous Doctor’s Association (AIDA) Cultural Safety online program

Acquire Intercultural Competency online module

Aotearoa New Zealand

In Aotearoa New Zealand, this training involves completing:

Application of the Hui Process and Meihana Model&Բ;— a course offered by Māori/Indigenous Health Institute (University of Otago)

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Visit the 鶹ֱcalendar to browse upcoming CPD workshops and events for both members and non-members of the College.

18 December 2023